Event Details
Latest updates regarding today's aging workforce, components for a good Social Media policy, absence/attendance policy, cell phone policy
Date: | April 30, 2014, 12:00pm – 1:00pm |
Organizer: | ROBERT HOWARD |
Event Type: | Meeting |
iCal link | Add to Calendar |
Mark the Date!
RSVP to Diane at 718-4222
A nice lunch will be available in the cafeteria so please plan to come at 11:30am!
Mark Macy's Human Resource Students (NOC) will present the following topics:
- How do we deal with today's aging workforce?
- What are the components/elements necessary for a good Social Media Policy?
- Absence/Attendance Policy
- Cell Phone Policy
Come support our local students, and learn about the latest updates to these very important HR topics!
Click HERE for more information