* This seminar has been submitted to the HR Certification Institute for review.
Exclusively for Clients and Friends of Crowe & Dunlevy
Monday, October 8, 2012
8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Renaissance Tulsa Hotel and Convention Center
Tulsa, OK
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Skirvin Hilton Hotel
Oklahoma City, OK
Complimentary Registration (includes materials, continental breakfast and lunch)
Space is limited
Registration ends October 1, 2012
Questions? Contact us at rsvp@crowedunlevy.com
Register Now
Presented Topics:
The Incredible Hulk - Don't Let Federal Agencies Drive You Into A Rage
This presentation highlights the recent expansion of regulatory enforcement at the NLRB, EEOC and DOL. The presentation discusses the development of new doctrines within the agencies which significantly expand the scope of activities by employers which are now being declared unlawful.
Leonard Court
How to Conduct an Effective Workplace Investigation While Dodging Kryptonite
This presentation will provide practical guidelines on how an employer can navigate its way through the twists and turns of a workplace investigation while understanding the risks and obligations so that the employer can conduct an effective investigation.
Tanya S. Bryant
Wonder Woman speaks - Throwing the 'Golden Lasso' Around Your Workers' Compensation Issues
This presentation will focus on the increasing number of wage and hour investigations by the Department of Labor. Human resources professionals will learn best practices for how to handle the onset of a DOL investigation, including steps they can take before the investigation ever begins to help ensure the investigator’s visit is as harmless as possible.
Madalene A.B. Witterholt
"Look! Up In the Sky - It's. . . The New Employee FMLA Guide!"
As part of the Department’s continuing effort to spread the word about the FMLA and make the FMLA more accessible, the DOL wage and hour division recently released a 16-page, plain language booklet designed to answer common FMLA questions and clarify who can take FMLA leave and what protections the FMLA provides. Find out what is in the new guide and other FMLA updates.
Courtney K. Warmington
Wonder Twin Powers Activate!
Complimentary Lunch
Holy health care, Batman! The ACA was upheld. Now what do we do?
The Affordable Care Act imposes a number of new requirements on employers. During this presentation, attendees will learn about the new mandates and the issues that must be considered immediately and in the future to address the mandates. Some of the ACA's requirements have been confused or over-simplified in the press and one of the purposes of this presentation is to clarify those issues so that employers are able to thoroughly address the issues in the most cost efficient manner.
Cori H. Loomis
Riddle me this, Batman
Answering your toughest HR questions in a game show format.
Randall J. Snapp
Protecting the Secrets of the Batcave - Restrictive Covenants, Trade Secrets and Confidential Business Information
An overview of Oklahoma law as it relates to the protection of confidential information and trade secrets, and the enforcement of restrictive covenants like non-compete agreements and non-solicitation agreements. During this presentation, attendees will learn about the current state of law in this area, as well as some "best practice" tips for protecting their company's most vital information.
Daniel P. Johnson
Spider-Man, is Arachnophobia a Disability? An Update on the ADAAA
This presentation will focus on federal disability law, and the shifting interpretation of what constitutes a "disability" under the Americans With Disabilities Amendments Act. Through a review of recent case law, EEOC guidance and legislative developments, attendees will learn how to properly identify, assess and accommodate disabilities in the workforce.
Adam W. Childers
Closing Remarks and Adjournment